About Us
Welcome To Bed Bug Magic The Exterminators-Choice
Bed Bug Magic The Exterminators-Choice is committed to products developed in harmony with nature, totally biodegradable, economical alternatives to harsh, risky chemicals. Bed Bug Magic uses only the finest all-natural biodegradable ingredients. All of our products are manufactured in the US, are never tested on animals and use the highest possible recycled content packaging and fully recyclable bottles.
Bed Bug Magic is a minimum-risk pesticide exempt from registration under FIFRA 25b and contains only approved active ingredients. All other ingredients are GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) or food grade! See the product label for additional information.

Green Is Good 24/7™
"Keep the Environment Safe...Discover the Power of Enzymes"
Bed Bug Magic Spray helps you tackle everyday insect challenges with safe, biodegradable products that work while protecting your people, pets, plants, and our shared environment. Our broad selection of safe, non-toxic and biodegradable products will meet your insect control needs with price and performance comparable to – and in many cases better – than traditional chemical treatments. And, with only natural ingredients and no harmful VOCs Bed Bug Magic does not contribute to climate change and global warming!